We greatly appreciate all homeowners who have taken responsibility to pay their dues and the park assessment. It proves that you take great pride in our neighborhood and that you are an honorable person.
The board wanted to announce that the delinquent account list will be posted on Monday, September 10, 2012. Homeowers who have not paid any dues and/or the park assessment fee will have their name, address, and what they owe posted on our website. Homeowners have been given a tremendous amount of notice and given multiple options to take care of their responsibility. There is NO excuse for ignoring this responsibility.
Homeowners who have arragned payment plans and have not made a payment in the last 90 days will also be posted.
Both groups will be submitted to our attorney for collection which is going to cost them more money in fees especially if they have to go to court.
Homeowners who have been making their payments as agreed will NOT be posted. Thank you to those who have been honorably making their payments.
If you owe dues and/or the park assessment, contact ECratchit right away to make payment arrangements 781-356-8050. A promise to pay when you feel like it is not going to keep names off the list, a significant payment is going to be required to prevent names from being submitted to our attorney. It is time to pay up, enough is enough.
Thank you to all who have taken responsibility. We look forward to seeing you at the spectacular event this Saturday in our AMAZING new park! The Activities Committee has done and OUTSTANDING job planning this event!
Board of Directors
Mark DiNino
Rick Dunham
Jerry Blake