Greetings, We wanted to let you know that the 2017 Ballot and Proposed 2018 Budget are now available on our website on the financials page. Hard copies will be mailed to each household. Have a fantastic holiday season! Millbrook BOD
2016 Ballot and Proposed 2017 Budget
Greetings Neighbors! We hope you are having a pleasant Fall season. We wanted to let you know that the 2016 Ballot and Proposed 2017 Budget are now available online. Click here to visit our financials page You will find these documents at the bottom of the page. Hard copies are being mailed to each household […]
Zoning Board Meeting
Greetings Neighbors, It was requested by one of our homeowners to inform you of a Rockland Zoning Board Meeting taking place on, Tuesday, August 16, 2016, at 8pm. Click here to read the notification letter we received describing the situation. The meeting on August 16 is a follow up from the meeting that took place […]
Delinquent Accounts Update
Greetings Neighbors, We would like to thank all the neighbors who have responsibly paid their homeowners association dues! Because of you, we are able to properly maintain our fantastic neighborhood! We have posted the list of homeowners who are delinquent. Visit our Delinquent Account Page If you are on the delinquent list, please pay your […]
2016 Homeowners Dues Reminder
Greetings Neighbors, We would like to thank everyone who has paid their 2016 Homeowners Association Dues of $345! This is just a friendly reminder to submit payment before 2/28/16 to avoid a $50 late fee. To pay online and/or for payment information, visit our website a Thank you. Millbrook BOD
Ballot Results
Greetings Neighbors, We wanted to inform you that the proposed 2016 budget has passed with 34 yeses and 1 no. Jerry Blake, our current Secretary, has won another 3 year term as a board member. Invoices for the 2016 dues of $345(same as 2015) will be issued by the end of December and will be due by […]
2016 Budget & Ballot
Greetings Neighbors, We hope you are having a great Thanksgiving weekend. We just wanted to remind you that the ballots are due by Sunday, November 29, 2015. Please submit your ballot to 41 Morningside Drive. Two, non board member homeowners have volunteered to count the votes. If you did not receive your copy of the proposed […]
2015 Delinquent Accounts Posted
Greetings Neighbors, We would like to thank everyone who has paid their 2015 Homeowners Association Dues. Your contribution pays for the upkeep of our amazing neighborhood! We have updated the names, addresses, and amounts owed for homeowners who are currently delinquent. Click here to view the page. These homeowners accounts have been submitted to our attorney […]
Association Dues
Greetings Neighbors, We would like to thank everyone who has paid their 2015 homeowners association dues. Your contribution allows us all to benefit from a well maintained and desirable neighborhood. The delinquent list for 2015 will be posted on our website by name, address, and amount owed during the first week of July. At […]
Spring 2015 Update
Greetings Neighbors, We wanted to give you an update on what is happening around the neighborhood. 1. Burns Landscaping has begun the spring clean up including trash removal from the common areas. Mulch will be spread at the entrances and flowers will be planted hopefully by Memorial Day. The trees that line Millbrook Dr and Morningside […]