As always, the board and the homeowners are very appreciative of everyone who has taken responsibility for their dues. It is what allows us to maintain our beautiful neighborhood as nicely as we do.
The updated delinquent account list has been posted. Visit If any of the information is inaccurate, contact immediately.
The homeowners on this list will be submitted to our attorney by the end of this week if no payments have been received.
If you wish to make payment arrangements, contact ECratchit. Please note that to have a name removed from the delinquent list you must pay the balance in full. The only other way is if the information is incorrect. Late fees will not be waived!!!!
Notices were first issued in December of 2011 followed up by monthly notices. Take action right now and contact ECratchit at 781-365-8050.
If anyone who owes dues wishes to send an unpleasant or unprofessional message, consider that the message will be ignored. Put the energy into taking care of your responsibility and make the call to ECratchit at 781-356-8050. It is only fair and just to those who have honorably paid what they owe.
Check back on the website for updates.
Board of Directors
Mark DiNino
Rick Dunham
Jerry Blake