Greetings Neighbors,
We would like to update you on what is happening around the neighborhood.
Landscaping Work
Completed as a perk of our landscaping service contract with Burns Landscaping, we had our cul de sacs cleaned up, edged, trimmed, mulched, and some new plantings. If neighbors like what has been done so far, there is the potential to complete more landscape work to each one to improve the appearance. See the photos on our Facebook Page. Some of our neighbors who live around the cul de sacs have volunteered to keep the new trees watered until they get established. Big thanks to them!
Another perk was having the weeds along all the street curbs trimmed. This work is being completed a section at a time and will be completed before the end of the season.
The trees along Millbrook Drive and Morningside Drive were trimmed up high over the summer so that people could easily walk underneath.
Painting & Sign Work
A volunteer looking to complete some community service through the Rockland Fire Department has painted some of our fire alarm boxes making them look like brand new. Fire Chief Scott Duffy informed us that he will work to get remaining boxes painted as well.
We have also submitted a request to the Water Department to repaint our fire hydrants.
All missing street signs have been replaced and some repairs to the sign poles have been completed. The new blue street signs all have been installed with anti theft hardware.
Millbrook Drive Entrance Street Light
The board and some volunteer neighbors have been working with National Grid to have a new street light installed at the Millbrook Drive entrance. This has been a challenging process but we have been making progress. We hope to have this project completed by the end of the year.
Road Repairs
The Rockland Highway Department has been repairing a few of our storm drains that have been collapsing. We have submitted a request to have some of our sidewalks repaired especially along Millbrook Drive.
Financial Update
Collections are going well overall. To see who still owes visit Every reasonable effort is being made to collect what is owed. If you owe a balance, submit your payment right away so that you do not put the financial burden on the rest of us.
We now accept Paypal to process payment for dues. Click on this link to pay a balance. NO Paypal account is required. There is NO additional fee to use this service.
Officers Meeting
A meeting was held for the Board of Directors on Monday, September 30, 2013. The minutes will be posted on our website soon.
One of the key decisions was that the dues for 2014 will remain at $330 at least for one more year. There will not be an association meeting this year.
Every year a spot on the board opens up for election. This year, Rick Dunham will run for another 3 year term. If anyone is interested in running for this position, please contact the board at .
Activities Committee
Our activities committee, led by our neighbor Jen Dangora, has some more events planned for 2013. The events this year have been tremendously successful! These activities help make our neighborhood more desirable!
Visit the AC page at to see photos of past events and to see what is coming. The AC is always looking for volunteers. Contact if you are interested in getting involved.
Thank You
We would like to thank all the neighbors who help behind the scene. Many of you pick up trash in the streets and around the park. Many of you trim weeds along your curbs when you mow your lawns. Every bit of effort to maintain our neighborhood helps dramatically!