The is the FINAL reminder about the Millbrook Homeowners Assocation meeting TONIGHT from 7-9pm at the Harmon Golf Club located at 168 Concord St in Rockland. The main topic will be plans for our park.
There seems to be some confusion about the absentee ballot that was submitted. This ballot only needs to be submitted by tonight at 5:30pm if you are NOT planning on attending the meeting. Each item will be dicussed and voted on at the meeting. There is only one vote per household.
We also want to remind everyone that the board is a group of elected volunteers who live in the neighborhood and pay the same dues as everyone else. Each board member has a full time career and a family and those obligations must come first. The board has done its very best to properly run the association. At the meeting, we will be asking for people for help by joining some of the committees and for regular operations. We have some exciting times ahead of us!
Lastly, there is an opportunity to run for a spot on the board. At this time, NO ONE has come forth to run for this position. If anyone would like to run for the position tonight, please let us know at the meeting so we can give you a chance to speak to the audience to share how you would like to run the association.
We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Mark DiNino