Greeting Neighbors,
The Board of Directors would like to remind everyone again about the Homeowners Association meeting on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, from 7-9pm at the Harmon Golf Club located on 168 Concord St in Rockland. The main topic will be to discuss plans and make a decision for our park.
The information pack for the meeting has been posted on our website on the main page and hard copies have been delivered to your mailboxes. Carefully read through the information so that you can make an informed decision. We are happy to answer any of your questions.
We would like to remind you once again that the board members are unpaid volunteers who pay the same dues as everyone else and live in the neighborhood.
If you are planning on attending the meeting, please note a few ground rules for the meeting.
1. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Association business only. It will NOT be a forum for individual neighbor disputes.
2. We plan to keep the meeting respectful, productive, and as solution oriented as possible. Concerns & questions will be properly addressed in an orderly fashion.
3. Make your best effort to arrive on time so that the meeting can start on time.
Lastly, there is a position up for election on the board. If you are unhappy with the way the association is being run, you have the option to step up and run for the position at the meeting. So far NO ONE has expressed an interest after months of offers to run.
We hope to see you at the meeting.
Mark DiNino
Millbrook Homeowners Association