Greeting neighbors! Just a couple of quick updates.
1. The Spring clean up has begun around the neighborhood. Thank you to everyone who has been actively picking up trash, sweeping sidewalks, and cleaning out drains. Every little bit helps!
2. Plans for the NEW park are coming along great! The goal is to start construction by the middle of May. The committee will be reaching out to neighbors who wish to help out with the Grand Opening Party. The NEW Park will be absolutely SPECTACULAR!
3. Thank you to everyone who has paid their dues. This has been one of the best collection years we have ever had for this point in the year. We have already collected a large percentage of the park assessments. It shows how much you care about our neighborhood! The sooner the assessment comes in, the sooner we can execute the NEW Park project.
4. The Activities Committee is planning an Easter Egg Hunt! Details will be sent out very soon. Volunteers are welcomed. Email if you wish to volunteer to help.
5. Missing Street Signs. We strongly encourage you to call the Rockland Highway Department at 781-878-0634 and ask when they plan to replace the 6 missing street signs in our neighborhood. The board has sent several letters and will continue to do so. YOUR calls will make a difference. You could also fax a letter to 781-982-8692. We will get this resolved this year but we need YOUR help.
Enjoy the Springtime!
Millbrook BOD
Mark DiNino
Rick Dunham
Jerry Blake