The newsletter system now in place has been causing some problems and we are trying to correct it. We will still be emailing the newsletters but you may receive two copies. We apologize for this and are trying to correct this also. As a back up we are posting the newsletters to the website in […]
Millbrook Spring 2012 Update
Greeting neighbors! Just a couple of quick updates. 1. The Spring clean up has begun around the neighborhood. Thank you to everyone who has been actively picking up trash, sweeping sidewalks, and cleaning out drains. Every little bit helps! 2. Plans for the NEW park are coming along great! The goal is to start construction […]
Millbrook Easter Egg Hunt
Please join the Millbrook activities committee in a Millbrook Easter Egg Hunt. Date – Saturday, April 7th, 2012 Time – 1 pm Location – Ball field If you would like your children to participate, please drop off a dozen pre-filled eggs per child in a labeled bag to the Dangora’s house at 8 Franklin Hunt […]
Save The Date for Santa In The Park
The Millbrook Activities Committee would like you to save the date for Santa in the park. December 4th from 12:30PM to 2:30PM. Once the details are worked out we will send a follow up email and post the information to our website.
Neighborhood Update
Just a reminder about the Neighborhood Meeting on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 from 7-9pm at the Harmon Golf Club in Rockland.The main topic will be plans for the park. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Also, if anyone is interested in running for a position on the board, submit your name and home address to […]