Greetings Neighbors,
We wanted you to remind you to submit your hard copy ballots to 41 Morningside Dr by Sunday, November 30, 2014. This address is a volunteer who offered to count all the ballot votes. Another neighbor will be assisting and verifying the vote count.
Note that there are 3 positions open for the BOD. Vote for up to 3 of the listed candidates. If you wish to add a name, you may do so in the line provided on the ballot. We remind you that the BOD are volunteers who pay the same dues as everyone else.
Send any comments, questions, or concerns to so that we will have an opportunity to respond if necessary. Kindly do NOT write comments on the ballots.
If you did not receive a hard copy of the ballot and proposed 2015 annual budget, you can download these documents at
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Millbrook BOD
Mark DiNino
Rick Dunham
Jerry Blake